Safeguarding Policies
As a club affiliated with Triathlon Ireland we have adopted all of the Triathlon Ireland Safeguarding policies to protect our young and vulnerable members.
Triathlon Irelands policies are based on the guidelines contained in the Sport Ireland Safeguarding Guidance for Children and Young People in Sport document.
- Vetting Policy
- Safe Recruitment Policy
- Photography and Filming Policy
- Travel and Overnight Trips Policy.
- Safeguarding Policy for Junior Events
- Missing Children Procedure and flow chart
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Social Media Guidance for Juniors
- Social Media Guidance for Coaches and Leaders
- Social Media Guidance for Clubs
- Reporting Procedures for Safeguarding and Code of Conduct Concerns.
- Physical Contact Policy
- Guidance for Coaches and Clubs for Online Sessions
- Safeguarding Training Policy
To be signed annually by our coaches/leaders/volunteers.
- Coaches / Leaders Code of Behaviour (agreed to by signing the Form 8 or Form 10 below)
- Form 8 (In club 6 months or less)
- Form 10 (in club 6 months or more)
- Parents/Carers Code of Conduct (agreed by signing Form 11 – consent form for juniors)
- Young Members Code of Behaviour
Predator Triathlon Club Safeguarding: